‘The Workshop’ – is the perfect way to put all that you have learned into action and hone your extraordinary new gifts.

The Workshop contains a maximum of 8 participants, working in intimate collaboration with Gil in 4 weekly 4-hour sessions. That’s 16 precious hours working directly with Gil!

When you sign up for and complete the eCourse, you can then gain access to Gil’s Workshop. Each workshop takes place on four consecutive weekday mornings or afternoons.

The question I am asked most often, “Your notes are amazing… How can I learn to think like you?” This 3-step program, culminating with The Workshop is designed to answer just that. You will have learned how to be objective of your own work, to self-direct which will transform your auditions and your life. Believing in your gifts is the key to everything.


See our highlights video below for a small taste of how unique and life changing The Workshop could be for you.


Future workshop schedules to be announced mid February

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